Header showing many people on a field in Bulgaria. | © SONNENTOR


Beautiful lavender fields as far as the eye can see: this is what greeted us when we visited Bulgaria for the first time. The flowers are harvested by hand and some are made into lavender cushions by local crafts people. This strengthens the economic development of the region and provides and income for local seamstresses.

Around 70 locals collect leaves and flowers from the wild for our teas. We have also been able to contribute to the livelihood of another Bulgarian partner, Megaliti. He supplies us with marigold flowers and peppermint.

For those who want to know

Ostružina list bio
blackberry leaves org.
Levandule bio
lavender org.
Lípa květ bio
linden (lime) flowers org.
Malina list bio
raspberry leaves org.
Řebříček bio
yarrow org.
Hagebutten bio
rosehip org.
Šípek oplodí bio
rosehip org.
Holunderblüten bio
elderflowers org.
Černý bez květ bio
elderflowers org.
Schafgarbe bio
yarrow org.
Himbeerblätter bio
raspberry leaves org.
Lindenblüten bio
linden (lime) flowers org.
Brombeerblätter bio
blackberry leaves org.