Learn new things and discover delightful accessories!

Great products for young and old. Colourful cups and books packed with ancient wisdom and recipes. You can discover all of that here. Shop here and become part of the SONNENTOR family!

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Illustration of Sonnentor founder Hannes Gutmann. | © SONNENTOR
Illustration of Bolte. | © SONNENTOR
Illustration of a giant flower. On the leaves sit two people. | © SONNENTOR

Why buy information material and accessories from SONNENTOR?

Attention herbal enthusiasts, SONNENTOR fans and Bio-Bengelchen! You have come to the right place. We have accessories and books for you to enjoy at home.

They contain tips on how to use our products and articles. Browse, buy, and become part of the SONNENTOR family!

What can you discover here?

Mugs, accessories and books that are good for the soul, inspire the heart and stimulate the mind:

  • Bags: Gorgeous fabric bags that put everyone in a good mood.
  • Herb books: Books about herbs, spices and about SONNENTOR.
  • Cups and pots: with colourful illustrations - porcelain or enamel.
  • Accessories for all the senses: tea filters, spice jars, sprout glasses and scented stones – for all those who want to enjoy SONNENTOR with all their senses.
  • Digital seminars: Learn about herbs and spices - for those who want to find out more about the goodness of herbs and spices.

SONNENTOR information and accessories – why buy?

The products on this page are packed with healthy recipes, useful knowledge for all life situations and exciting stories about SONNENTOR and the company founder Johannes Gutmann.

They show that businesses can think outside the box and those who do are winners! Also have a look at the bags made of organic cotton - they are the right choice for real joyful persons.

Information and accessories - when do I need them?

Are you a total SONNENTOR fan and a herb and spice enthusiast? Then you are well advised here.

  • Information and books: Get SONNENTOR reading material on herbs and spices for your home. Packed with fantastic recipes to enjoy SONNENTOR every day.
  • Bags: The bags are the right choice for your shopping. And the gym bag is ideal for school and kindergarten.
  • Accessories: All kinds of handy things that you can use in everyday life.

Information material and accessories - give and grow the joy in others.

Anyone who wants to spread happiness is well advised on this page. It contains a wide range of goodies to make your loved ones very happy.