Bauer Family

In the photo you can see linden blossoms. | © SONNENTOR

A farming family, strong and refreshing, like their chocolate mint.

The Bauer family the first of three families to grow herbs and spices for SONNENTOR in Seyfrieds, Lower-Austria. Together with father Herbert, third generation farmer Christoph lives and works in tune with nature’s natural cycles. The farmyard cows provide fresh milk for their breakfast and the best possible natural fertilizer for their superb organic plants. They produce spice and herb specialties as well as homemade liqueurs and schnapps.

A colourful selection of organic herbs and spices for SONNENTOR grow on the Bauer family’s herbal farm: aromatic hemp, fragrant apple mint and soothing mallow are their fortes. The Bauers not only produce these amazing herbs, but they also process them by manually filling bags with wonderful fragrant dried tea mixtures.

The most intense aroma comes from a very special herb that’s growing on the well-groomed sandy soils of the Bauer farm, namely SONNENTOR chocolate mint. It is the most fragrant and refreshing mint in the world. It fits perfectly with Grandma Helga, who has been successfully convincing customers at the farmers’ market in Litschau (the northernmost city of Austria) of the exquisite quality of organic products for more than 30 years.

For those who want to know

Ringelblumen bio
calendula org.
Apfelminze bio
applemint org.
Goldmelisse bio
Monarda org.
Hanfblätter bio
hemp leaves org.
Himbeerblätter bio
raspberry leaves org.
Liebstöckel bio
lovage org.
Salbei bio
sage org.
Schokominze bio
chocolate mint org.
Apfelstücke bio
apple pieces org.

From the field to the pack - on the farm:

Fresh ingredients - carefully packed: