Brandstätter Family

When Edeltraud Brandstätter became the mother of two children she realised how important natural farm management is for our earth. She renounced the use of artificial fertilizers and pesticides straight away and by 1995, her farm had completely switched to organic farming practices. A lot of manual labour goes into growing pansies, golden lemon balm, vegetables, potatoes, dandelions, poppy seeds on nine hectares or land. For example, dandelion plants start off in pots until they are big enough to be put out on the field. They are harvested, dried and packed directly on the farm. Luckily, Edeltraud’s family lends a helping hand. Team work connects the family and supports Edeltraud in her wholehearted work on the farm.

For those who want to know

Frauenmantel bio
ladies mantle org.
Pfefferminze bio
peppermint org.
Brennnessel bio
stinging nettle org.