Grünauer Family

Photo of elderflowers. | © SONNENTOR

The "greenest way" to biodiversity.

It is really no coincidence that the colour of life and plants is part of the Gruenauer family name - ‘Grün‘ is the German word for green. Herbs have been grown on their farm in Velm-Götzendorf for five generations. Here, near the border of Slovakia, between grapes and poppy fields, Johanna and Johann carefully and persistently cultivate their vines and herbs.

The Grünauers love their work and it is evident that they believe in the power of their organically cultivated soils. This faith inspires above all their awareness of ancient traditions. In a folk song from Velm-Götzendorf it says: "The earth, which was already our fathers, we cultivate still today with joyful courage. And vines thrive well here, and happiness can be felt everywhere." So, it is not surprising that Johann proudly invites every visitor to a glass of his wine. There are only a few winegrowers left who cultivate a vineyard unique to their area and also help with the conservation of the traditional, up to four floors high, wine cellar.

Yes, Johann is known for his untiring personality. Besides his work in the vineyards, he and his family grow top quality blue poppy, psyllium, fennel, pumpkin seeds, coriander, thyme, lemon balm, peppermint, oregano and blue fenugreek for SONNENTOR. To acknowledge the Grünauer family’s efforts,  Johannes Gutmann awarded them the golden sickle 2013.

By the way, for those who can read between the lines, ‘Green’ also stands for perseverance, helpfulness and contentment.

For those who want to know

coriander org.
oregano org.