Kainz Family

Photo of chives. | © SONNENTOR

Knowledge about how to balance nature’s natural cycles.

Kurt Kainz was one of the first farmers to grow herbs for SONNENTOR. When you come to his small organic farm in Drösiedl near Waidhofen/Thaya, you can immediately feel that nature’s natural cycles are given special consideration. It only takes a few hectares of land around his house to grow an impressive variety of herbs.

The word "weed" does not exist in Kurt’s vocabulary, neither do worry wrinkles on his forehead. He always seems relaxed and cheerful. Elisabeth, his daughter-in-law, who now runs the farm, grew up with the same contentment and great enthusiasm for herbs and weeds, which are used as green manure plants. Both belong to the wonderful natural cycle, which is highly appreciated in Demeter cultivation. "Of course, we also run around in circles a lot," admits Kurt, laughing, "but this keeps us fit”. He speaks from experience as he has been balancing nature’s cycles for more than four decades.

For those who want to know

Ringelblumen bio
calendula org.
Apfelminze bio
applemint org.
Kornblumen bio
cornflowers blue org.
Apfelstücke feinschnitt bio
apple pieces fine cut org.
Goldmelisse bio
Monarda org.

From the field to the pack - on the farm: