Steiner family

In the photo you can see fennel. | © SONNENTOR

Auf einer energieautarken Insel mit „Don Kamille“.

To our question, whether ‘Don Chamomile’ would be a suitable nickname for him, Gottfried smiles and answers: "Perhaps?". We say "yes”! Gottfried is Austria's only organic chamomile grower and he has an inventive streak. He has created a self-sufficient ‘island’ in the middle of his fields where he uses heat from the roof to dry his herbs and spices. He should be given an award for his sustainable and innovative ideas, however, he has already been endowed with a degree in plant cultivation from the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences in Vienna.

With this under his belt and following his natural inquisitiveness, he is constantly working on improving procedures where he looks to nature for inspiration. Chamomile, thyme, caraway, fenugreek, fennel, psyllium seed and more, in top organic quality are the result, which puts a confident and charismatic smile on ‘Don Chamomile’s’ face.

For those who want to know

Kamille bio
camomile org.
Thymian bio
thyme org.
Fenchel bio
fennel org.
Oregano bio
oregano org.