Hansi Family

Photo of peppermint. | © SONNENTOR

Rich in experience, natural treasures and family.

"We are super rich," replied Herbert Hansi with a mischievous grin when asked how well he can live by organic farming.  In Oberweiden, in the Lower Austrian Marchfeld, which is known for its large vegetable producers, several farms converted to organic cultivation of herbs and spices back in 2002 and they are now rich, in experience.

Herbert continually expands his knowledge through his enthusiasm for experimenting and his patience. Together with his wife Renate, he cares deeply and with great conviction for biological agriculture and enthusiastically grows SONNENTOR peppermint, spearmint, lemon balm, chocolate mint and mung beans.

Yes, the Hansis are passionate organic farmers and proud of their herb and spice treasures. Their most important treasure is certainly their daughter Nicole and it is well possible that she will be part of the next organic farming generation who will consider herself rich just like her parents.

For those who want to know

Pfefferminze bio
peppermint org.
Krauseminze bio
spearmint org.
Zitronenmelisse bio
lemon balm org.
Schokominze bio
chocolate mint org.
Flohsamen bio
psyllium seeds org.
Alfalfa bio
alfalfa org.
Bockshornklee bio
fenugreek org.