Waraschitz family

In the photo you can see linden blossoms. | © SONNENTOR

With organic-scientific curiosity through the Marchfeld.

It was obvious that Wolfgang Waraschitz was going to became an expert about marjoram from the moment he handed in his thesis with the title "The Influence of agronomic and procedural factors on the oil content and drying behavior of marjoram" at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences in Vienna. Wolfgang possesses this scientific curiosity to this day. Whether as a university lecturer or as a participant in scientific events and projects at home and abroad, his knowledge is always in demand and so he is well known among herb and spice enthusiasts.

For SONNENTOR, however, it is important that he puts his knowledge into practice. On his fields around Lassee in the Marchfeld he cultivates sage, thyme, savory and marjoram. The herbs are dried directly on the farm where Wolfgang’s interest in research makes him constantly trying out something new, pumpkin seeds to just name one. The small seeds with a great nutritional value have therefore become a snack specialty unique to the Waraschitz farm. What will Wolfgang become an organic-scientific expert in next?

For those who want to know

thyme org.
sage org.
common mallow org.