Reviews in the SONNENTOR Onlineshop

We use different forms of evaluation in our online shop:

Product reviews

Did you like a product particularly well? Then you can rate us with up to five suns. All you need to do is click on the symbol to rate products. We don’t verify that you have actually purchased the product.

This means that the ratings of our products can be submitted by all visitors to our online shop.

Why is the review not linked to a customer account?

We have decided to make the ratings of our products open so as not to overwhelm customers like you with requests for ratings. At the same time, SONNENTOR customers who buy in a shop also have the opportunity to easily rate the products they have purchased there.

Trusted Shops reviews

In addition to the product ratings, there are ratings through Trusted Shops in our online shop. The ratings through this independent provider can only be submitted by verified buyers in our online shop.

Our customers can use Trusted Shops to rate how satisfied they were with the order in general. They have the opportunity to assess the criteria delivery, goods and customer service in detail.

You can have a look at all relevant information about the measures on the Trusted Shops website..