The photo shows the entire Sonnentor ginger product range. The products are on a table together with candles and flowers. | © SONNENTOR

Ginger: Chunky root, hot curves

Ginger can be used generously during the cold months of the year to give cold feet a good run for their money. You can read information about the use of ginger here.

Ginger is liked for its fine spiciness but is especially appreciated for its benefits to physical well-being. A cup of ginger tea is the remedy of your choice if relief is needed after indulging in too many treats. Colds get chased away with its immune system strengthening properties. Ginger can be enjoyed as a tea, spice or simply freshly grated and blended with honey. The precious ingredient responsible for its subtle spiciness is Gingerol – the essential oil in ginger.

The cosmopolitan of spices, ginger is now at home all over the world. It’s growing regions are tropical and subtropical areas such as Sri Lanka, Indonesia, India and Burkina Faso.

The majority of ginger lovers are found in Asia, but also in Latin Americans and the people of the Caribbean love aromatic ginger. However, its mild spiciness and fruity aroma of lime and lemon are also on everyone's lips in Europe. In addition to its classic use in cooking, it also is a stand out in baking.

Illustration of a ginger tuber in the shape of a bear. The ginger bear wears a scarf. | © SONNENTOR

Application Tips and Tricks

Yes, we love this spicy root. Do you too? Here, you will find suggestions for its us.

Ginger water

According to Ayurveda teachings, a hot ginger drink boosts the metabolism and also has a calming effect. It fires up your immune system especially during the cold months of the year.  Ginger water can also be drunk cold without losing any of its spiciness.

It's quick and easy to prepare: Simmer a small piece of ginger or 1-2 teaspoons of dried SONNENTOR organic ginger in one liter of water for 10 minutes. If required, honey or lemon juice can be added to ginger water after cooking.

Ginger throat syrup

Are you troubled by a dry and scratchy throat at the change of the seasons? Ginger throat syrup is a trusted remedy used by Indian mothers and grandmothers. A soothing balm throat and soul.

It's quick and easy: Pound a 2 cm piece of ginger, 2 teaspoons honey, ½ teaspoon salt, the juice of half a lemon and some fresh pepper in a mortar and mix. Stir mixture again after 15 minutes and use a sieve to filter out the juice.

Take one teaspoon of ginger throat syrup every 15 to 30 minutes. A soothing treat for the throat!