

Vegetable recipes for summer and winter

The supply of vegetables varies depending on the season, but whatever the garden offers, vegetables can be combined in many ways to create delicious meals. Vegetables are so diverse that there is something to suit almost every taste. And our spice blends makes preparing them child's play! Even more reason to eat vegetables!

Summer Vegetables Spice

When tomatoes and sweetcorn are rubbing shoulders, it can only mean one thing: It's summer! We have created this spice blend to turn the rich harvest from the garden into a quick lunch on a hot summer's day. Mediterranean classics such as rosemary and sage turn everything from aubergines to courgettes into a summery flavour experience!

Winter Vegetables Spice

The delicate flavour of this mixture will enhance beets, cabbage and any other winter vegetable on your plate. In addition to oven vegetables or stir-fries, this seasoning mix goes wonderfully with gnocchi or risotto. It's also a great way to add vitamins in winter!