Seed Mixture
- Tart
- Peas
- Aromatic
1 tbsp. makes 45 g of sprouts after 6 days.

Why do fenugreek seeds stay hard even after germination?
Occasionally hard seeds are unfortunately a general issue with fenugreek. The fenugreek is a legume. The seeds ripen in pods and are threshed and gently dried. Upon receipt of the goods, each of our sprouting seeds is cleaned and sorted out, and their ability to germinate is checked. The germinability of seeds depends on the growth conditions of the plants. In principle it is possible that not all seeds of a sprout seed germinate, that is in the hands of mother nature. Experience has shown that the germination capacities are between 80 % and 98 %.
Most of the non-germinating seeds will swell and soften. In some cases, however, some grains can also remain hard. Since the non-swelling seeds do not differ noticeably from the germinating seeds when dry in terms of appearance, size and weight, 100 % cleaning is unfortunately not possible. We are working hard to improve cleaning.