In the photo you can see several packs of Sonnenor Mono herbal teas loose. | © SONNENTOR

A pharmacy that grows around the house

Goodness from A to Z - 25 loose herbal teas for every occasion.
In the photo you can see lavender. | © SONNENTOR

They grow on the wayside, in the garden or around the house: dandelions, lady's mantle and many other herbs. Previously dismissed as annoying weeds, their special benefits have been rediscovered in recent years.

Scholars and healers such as Hildegard von BingenParacelsus and “herb pastor” Hermann-Josef Weidinger have talked and written about the beneficial effects of plants.  But their herbal wisdom has gradually disappeared, and many people have resorted to using unpronounceable substances with endless side effects.

In recent years, those ancient natural treasures have come forth again. Here in the Waldviertel region, we have always believed that there is a herb for every ailment. From "A" for apple mint to "Z" for zinc, an important micro nutrient in many herbs – You are guaranteed to find the right helper for every occasion with our 25 loose tea varieties.

By the way: For those who want to learn more about the healing power of herbs and their many uses, SONNENTOR has compiled a little booklet with useful information. Easy to use like a color fan and packed with useful tips and tricks.

Lent & Detox:

Summer & Blossoms:

Women's & Men's Matters:

Lemony & Mediterranean:

Minty & Cool

Immune Strengthening & Warming

Gut Feeling & Digestion

You can also find information and tips about our herbs here: